My Favorite Sex Position-I Push Back
My Favorite Sex Position-I Push Back. Pound me, harder, let me feel you seated comfortably in the entryway of my womb. I adore the tightness of your ball sack as it soothingly hits the tip of my clitoris. Make it red, tender and then pull all the way out and lick. Gentle taps of your wet, sweet tongue. Sour, salty and sweet jelly like mush all over your face. You love it too. You show me that as the yearning on your face marks furrows all over your forehead.
Yelping, screaming and thrusting I edge back unto you each time you push
It's all in the push, as the motion of our sweaty bodies together glide us to a sweet splendor. Grabbing your shoulders I take great care in not digging too deep as your wife is sure to notice. Lovingly I spray my squirt juice all over her side of your marital bed as I fall face first into her pillow. But that wasn't enough for you, it never was. You slid your hands under my tummy and tugged my ass up in a gentle arch. You slapped my ass cheek and lower back with your heavy cock. And I felt the throb of blood shooting through your dick veins as you slid it across me. Aching, I wanted more.
Press it against the crease and make that hole show its face again
You held in place and tapped me with your sturdy cock a few more times. By now I wasn't sure how much more I could take. With each thrust I could feel you stretch my tummy out almost as if to penetrate a hole there that would never form. Harder and harder you dug into my fragile flower. I sprayed over and over again. In an attempt to not have me soak straight through your mattress you placed your mouth over my red, swollen cunt. As my body convulsed I felt your wet tongue lovingly lash my swollen space.
No more as I laid lifelessly in place
As I batted my heavy eyelids open again, my gaze washed your room over picture after picture of you and your wife. Was this really what she was missing? This to me, was what true love was made of. I would never stop fucking your sweet stick! Never could I be convinced to cease having you pound my soul out of me doggystyle.
Doggystyle, bent over on all fours with my face facing the ground
I was your bitch, it was only fitting that you get behind me in this way. My favorite sex position. It was like a roller coaster ride really, feeling like I was still in motion even a few minutes after. He leaned over me, kissing my cheek and pressing his pussy stained lips against my bottom lip. Tasting myself was getting me riled up again. But he lovingly showed me the clock and said it was time we cleaned up.
Cascading waters from the rainforest shower head hit my back
He soothed my aching body as he rubbed the loofah all over me. Kissing and touching all over was turning me on again, but time just would not spare for another round. As I put my clothes on, I bid adieu to his bed thinking how funny it would be later for him and his wife. He had told me before that she kept asking why he masturbates so much. leaving the room smelling like sex was actually rude of him after he pleasure himself. But watching her leave every morning for work through my window just next door, with my perfume all over her hair and body tickled me helpless.
He alighted to his porch looking around if any nosy neighbors were outside
When he gave the say so, I made a mad dash to my door just a few steps away. Looking back at him, remembering him bending me over was all I needed until next time. And just like that, she drove up in her beaten down Honda Integra, she flashed me a horrid glance and walked inside. And with that alone I need to be pussy whipped again.
The sounds I make when he has me bent over are unlike you have heard. Call me for a sexy preview at 877-385-4945.