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The Wife's Revenge- Part Two

I creep back into the house early the next morning, just before dawn. Isabella, Savannah, and I had made a wonderfully naughty plan of revenge. Wholeheartedly, I could not wait to enact it! Izzie dropped me off with the supplies I would need for my revenge. It was just shy of sunrise, so I had to get to work setting up the scene…

Humming to myself

as I fried eggs and bacon, cut the dough I kneaded to make homemade biscuits, and stirred up the gravy, I knew I was making his favorite breakfast. I prepared the tray to look beautiful, along with three large cups of coffee. Savvy meets me in the hallway whispering. “He’s still asleep. Are you sure this is going to work? I am really so sorry sweetheart; I should’ve told you sooner.”

“Shh it’s ok, I don’t blame you.

Yes, I wish you had told me sooner but what’s done is done. Are you sure you are able to go through with the plan?” I ask her. Surely, I didn’t want her to think I was just using her, like my husband has been. “Absolutely. I can’t wait!”

She said with an impish grin as she grabbed her coffee and took a sip. Then, she leaned in to whisper in my ear,

“I’ve always preferred your looks to his. What better way to pay him back, then to take his wife from him?"

Laughing, she kisses me gently on the cheek. 

We walked into the master bedroom where he was resting in a deep slumber, completely unaware of what was about to unfurl. Savannah gave my arm a reassuring squeeze and whispered “You’ve got this”, before she walked over to the window. 

Taking a deep breath,

I sat the tray down on the nightstand and said in a high pitched happy voice, “Good Morning Dear! Hope you’ve had a restful night! We have so much to discuss!” Then I let out a wicked chuckle before continuing. “Don’t we, Savannah?” 

Immediately, he jerks awake and stares at both of us.

“What is going on here?!?”

He demands. Glancing between the two of us, he shakes his head. 

“You demand nothing! I think I should be asking that, considering I come home from the spa to find you in bed with your secretary!” I exclaimed. Savannah snorted and added, “Trust me, It wasn’t by choice!” My angered husband glared at her.

“You little bitch!”

He said with a growl. Stepping in front of Savannah, I said very loudly, “Don’t you DARE call her any names!” Right then, I smacked my unfaithful hubby across the face. As a result, he looked at me in complete shock, “Did you just smack me?” he asked with his voice full of surprise.

“Yes, I did! And I’ll do it again if you don’t behave. Now eat your breakfast!”

Continuing to stare at me, he shook his head and began eating. “Aren’t you mad at me?” he asks. “Oh yes, I am very mad,” I tell him, “but being mad isn’t going to sort out this issue. So, eat up and we can talk.” He finished his food quickly, but as he thanked me his eyes started drooping. “Did you put something in my food?” his voice slurred as he asked. “Oh, just something to make you sleep dear, us girls have big plans for you”. I grabbed the tray from him as he fell asleep.

"That was quick!"

I said with amazement while shaking my head. Savannah rushed out the door, yelling for Isabella to come on. As walks in, she is grinning ear to ear. “Take the tray into the kitchen, hon. Savvy and I will get him all fixed up! Also, change into the outfit I placed for you on the table, trust me, you are going to love it!” She winked at me as she shoved me out the door. 

In the kitchen, I looked on the table and found some sexy black 6 in stiletto heels, a black corset, black thongs, and fishnet stockings. In complete shock I can't help but wonder how am I going to get these on? As soon as I asked myself this, Savannah appeared behind me and said,

“Come on, let me help you get dressed. I’ve got some too”.

I hope you have enjoyed my blog: The Wife's Revenge-Part 2! Be sure to tune in two weeks for the 3rd part! You can find the First part here:


Call me so we can chat about it. I'd love any tips or suggestions you may have for blogs.




Twitter: @PurrfectCharlie